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New York license plates Empty/Done 1.2


Better quality for done plates
Added new photos with done plates

Added folder with empty/done plates (from 8 to 13 picture).

More realistic bump mapping

To change the files go to:
x64e/levels/gta5/vehicles/veshare and replace all files (plates)

All photos are from alpha (never published) version!!!

Thanks for 300 downloads! :P

© 2016 koksu1234567890
Show Full Description

Првпат Додадено: Јануари 22, 2016
Последно Ажурирање: Јули 2, 2016
Последно Симнување: пред 1 ден

All Versions

 1.2 (current)

6.284 симнато , 14,6 MB
Јануари 22, 2016

25 Коментари