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Brute Relaxer [Add-On /FiveM] 1.0

Cfa12c ambientrelaxer2
Cfa12c ambientrelaxer1


There's nothing more American than taking something built for public transportation and using it for personal luxury. With the Relaxer, you can rest easy knowing that your 45 feet of land yacht is more comfortable than anything else on the road and that the traffic will always be behind you.

Installation Instructions
Place the "coachrv" file in mods/update/dlcpacks
add the line "dlcpacks:/coachrv/" to mods/update/update.rpf/common/data/dlclist.xml

This is a rerelease of Sas994's "Coach RV" with improved liveries, and renamed to appear in game as the Brute Relaxer.

- Rockstar Games - original vehicle model
- glennoconnell - improved dashound
- TheF3nt0n - Mapping and bug fixing
- Tall70 - Coach enterable interior
- IlayArye - RV interior
- Monkeypolice188 and Weeby - wheels
- SAS994 - edited Coach
- engetsuka - language support
- (Ambient) - cover images
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Првпат Додадено: Јуни 17, 2021
Последно Ажурирање: Јуни 22, 2021
Последно Симнување: пред 2 саати

All Versions

 1.0 (current)

4.848 симнато , 13,6 MB
Јуни 21, 2021

14 Коментари