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    @CamxxCore Working great. Even with F-35 and f-22 substitutes!!! Thanks man, super dope!!!

    Јануари 9, 2016
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    @CamxxCore thanks alot. I gave it a try, got the same error i think.
    [03:51:56] [DEBUG] Found 3 script(s) in 'AirSuperiority.dll'.
    [03:51:57] [DEBUG] Found 0 script(s) in 'ASup_Net.dll'.
    [03:51:57] [DEBUG] Found 0 script(s) in 'Bass.Net.dll'.
    [03:51:57] [DEBUG] Found 1 script(s) in 'BennysMotorworks.dll'.
    [03:51:57] [DEBUG] Found 0 script(s) in 'NativeUI.dll'.
    [03:51:57] [DEBUG] Starting 4 script(s) ...
    [03:51:57] [DEBUG] Instantiating script 'AirSuperiority.Script.UIManagement.UIManager' in script domain 'ScriptDomain_D7643F3A' ...
    [03:51:58] [DEBUG] Started script 'AirSuperiority.Script.UIManagement.UIManager'.
    [03:51:58] [DEBUG] Instantiating script 'AirSuperiority.Script.Menus.GameMenu' in script domain 'ScriptDomain_D7643F3A' ...
    [03:51:58] [ERROR] Failed to instantiate script 'AirSuperiority.Script.Menus.GameMenu' because constructor threw an exception:
    System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for '<Module>' threw an exception. ---> System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
    at ‍‍‍​‭‪‬​‫‏‬‭‌‎‬‮​‪‫‭‏‍‮()
    at .cctor()
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at AirSuperiority.Script.Menus.GameMenu..ctor()
    [03:51:58] [DEBUG] Instantiating script 'AirSuperiority.Script.GameManagement.GameManager' in script domain 'ScriptDomain_D7643F3A' ...
    [03:51:58] [DEBUG] Started script 'AirSuperiority.Script.GameManagement.GameManager'.

    Јануари 7, 2016
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    @camxxcore any luck with the bug?

    Јануари 7, 2016
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    still not working for me either. same error!

    Јануари 5, 2016
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    @CamxxCore oops wrong log. heres the correct one.
    [ERROR] Failed to instantiate script 'AirSuperiority.Script.Menus.GameMenu' because constructor threw an exception:
    System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for '<Module>' threw an exception. ---> System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
    at ‌‎‭‮‏‫‭‏‏‭‎‪‫‏‫‮‫‪‏‭‍‭‮‮​‏‮()
    at .cctor()
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at AirSuperiority.Script.Menus.GameMenu..ctor()

    Јануари 4, 2016
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    @CamxxCore gets this error for ever 'K' press i assuming?
    [16:18:36] [ERROR] Caught unhandled exception:
    System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Int32 GTA.Entity.get_ID()'.
    at RealLife.OnKeyUp(Object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
    at GTA.Script.MainLoop().....

    Јануари 4, 2016
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    Thanks for your work @camxxcore. unfortunately im getting the same error after you update this morning. any hsuggestions?
    [15:19:52] [ERROR] Failed to instantiate script 'AirSuperiority.Script.Menus.GameMenu' because constructor threw an exception:
    System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for '<Module>' threw an exception. ---> System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
    at ‌‎‭‮‏‫‭‏‏‭‎‪‫‏‫‮‫‪‏‭‍‭‮‮​‏‮()
    at .cctor()
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at AirSuperiority.Script.Menus.GameMenu..ctor()

    Јануари 3, 2016
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    @Himura @camxxcore. Getting the same error. Its funny. I just used this script for the first time today. loaded it the first time. the script loaded on the carrier but the jet was stuck. After that crash i cant even get the script menu to open. Any help or advice?

    Јануари 3, 2016
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    anybody having problems loading luas after latest scripthook update?

    Јануари 2, 2016
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    @guadmaz still no go. scriptshook up to date! Anybody else having troubles?

    Јануари 1, 2016