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  • 3929c5 gamer icon2

    Okay so the first issue is actually do to a separate mod being watch your death. For some reason the mod makes you push a button to actually die in a gun fight. I don't know what is going on with that thing, but I guess since I technically died and still walking that's what caused the glitch. So that is the issue solved. The second one still stands as a minor bug that isn't game breaking but still a bug lol Sorry for the mix up.

    Април 28, 2020
  • 3929c5 gamer icon2

    Also the settings menu has double the arrest warrant and better chases selections and is just visually on the doubles. Weirdly going better chases, arrest warrant, arrest warrant then better chases. Not game breaking just interesting.

    Април 28, 2020
  • 3929c5 gamer icon2

    Okay so I am getting a bug where when I reach 3 stars and meet the deadly force is authorized requirements I shoot a bunch of cops down and before it can reach 4 stars it just drops my wanted level and the sound and splash screen of Deadly force authorized is repeatedly basically every tick activating only going away when I put my weapon away.

    Април 28, 2020
  • 3929c5 gamer icon2

    Would you mind finding a way to make getting ammo for the guns removed easier. I like to not have to pay attention when going through and buying. Maybe even remove them from the weapon wheel so they aren't there I dont know if that is possible but it feels off having to sift through guns that arent there. I knew guns would be missing but remembering which ones are there so I can go to them is a bit tedious.

    Април 28, 2020
  • 3929c5 gamer icon2

    Sorry if this was asked before but when might there be a way to manage the mods in a fashion similar to the nexus in that you can see all the addons and replacement mods and if you add one and it crashes your game you can remove one of the conflicting mods without having to start over? I ended up having to reinstall because some of the mods that conflicted wasn't installed through openiv. I know that's not an issue with your program but they were lua, scripts, addins and asi files dropped into main and I couldn't find the conflicting one and wondered if you might be making those compatible somehow soon. I have no idea how these things work so sorry if I am stating irrelevant things that cannot be done or something.

  • 3929c5 gamer icon2

    @Eddlm Well if everyone knew how to code then there would be no need for you or this site now would there. I do think that yes it's very easy to ask someone to do it for them (Me asking you) But if you don't want to do anything for somebody then your only making it for yourself, There are people who get a kick out of helping others however grateful or not they are I like your mod but I guess I can't really say I like you. Do I need to say this no do I want to yeah, I'm sorry I inconvenienced you when I said 'yo your mods cool it would be cooler with these things', and said 'I like how your mod is special I don't see anyone else making the game more realistic in this area that's pretty cool' Did I say it out right no but I thought it was understood. My point is I guess I thought you were as cool as the mod and I was wrong :) Again sorry for the inconvenience.

    Април 30, 2016
  • 3929c5 gamer icon2

    @Eddlm Okay so I love it already I have it and its awesome but i want to know if you could implement some things if its not to much trouble. Maybe something to make it harder for detection when shooting from higher up with anything suppressed you know have a line of sight to actually know its you shooting, also a thing to consider is if your killing someone in a stealthy way but the person who dies is seen dead cops would still be called but search the area but not know where you are.. I dont know I have a lot of things about this games stealth kills im a play a lot of stealth games sometimes and it bugs me just like when playing skyrim and the horse counts as a witness, Oh and making the cops not show up in the area you are like if you drive from the middle of town to the outskirts and they end up spawning in that area to look for you. Also this one is even more far fetched maybe something for someone else to do but I kind of want a stand alone thing that shows what peds are calling the police if your trying to do a stealth kill and someone happens by and sees you kind of thing. Sorry if i come off rude or something I just like where this mod is headed and its not what you did wrong its what the devs for gta v did that made it stupid. x.x I really have a lot of small things i notice about gta v that i would change but thats not for everyone lol sorry

    Април 29, 2016
  • 3929c5 gamer icon2

    I know this has probably been asked but could someone either post instructions or a video tutorial on how to use the complex preset controls? The simple controls are to easy and the complex are to complex. Every time I hold x for turning of neutral the car stalls or something. I can't really seem to get the car moving and if I do it is for only by accident and for only a few feet then the car stalls again. I am using the futo as my main testing car.

    Април 21, 2016