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  • Wade

    Oh, forgot one thing to say: can you please make trigger to disable gang activity attention? While GangTurfMod is active, i'm 3-stars-wanted almost forever )

    Октомври 31, 2016
  • Wade

    @Eddlm this mod is awesome, especially with RDE, but i really can't understand why 5 stars require shooting from tank. I'm doing a really hard time for cops, or better be said, apocalyptic chaos in LS without tanks, and it would be really awesome if you add option to get 5 stars by killing many cops or destroying huge amount of cars\property.

    Октомври 30, 2016
  • Wade

    @Dilapidated I am pretty sure that it isn't another mod- reinstalled game twice, and used only this mod. Well, sign me up to an army of people, who awaits RDE 3.0 )

    Октомври 14, 2016
  • Wade

    @Dilapidated I did some researches: there is no lines about Los Santos Customs in gameconfig of mod, so after install RDE with or without new models, doors of LSC simply not opening up, and side-missions not starting too, but after getting in place, where mission should start, character selector became blocked, as in mission. Changing gameconfig to updated one or from "Gameconfig (1.0.877.1) for Limitless Add-On Vehicles" makes game loading forever. In both cases lines about LSC persists. What could be wrong? I want this mod Really Badly!)

    Октомври 14, 2016
  • Wade

    Surely, great mod, but it's too loud! Don't get me wrong, mod is awesome, but volume of nitro effect is much more louder than ingame music and sounds together. I'm not even "noob" in editing .asi scripts, i can't do that. So, i'm asking @XMOD to add volume control or mute a little nitro effect (something about 90%, to be honest :)