Basic Description
The inhabitants of Los Santos are divided into two teams/sides and given weapons. Your task is to survive and get as many kills as possible.
Identify friendly pedestrians and get an advantage by making them follow you by teaming up.
Don't forget to check out the settings! For example increase the percentage of enemies, what kind of weapons should be used, ped spawn settings like min and max distance, max total number of enemies, auto regaining armor, respawn settings and much more!
Also in the game settings, under graphics, set "Population density" to a high value for more action.
Support and feedback: https://discord.gg/wMKtMTZ
Keyboard: CTRL + T by default. (Hold down first key and press second one.)
Controller: default buttons RB + X (activate_controller needs to be set to 1 in the configuration file first).
The are two levels within the group of friendlies on your side (team). Rank 1 and rank 2. Rank 2 is refereed to below as your squad.
You identify friendly pedestrians from a distance by aiming at them. They will then be marked so you know where they are. Being in close range identifies friendly peds automatically. If you get very close to a friendly ped and your group is not full (max 8 including you), he/she will join and follow you.
Commands can be given to your squad. It's done by aiming and pressing Context Action (default E on keyboard and D-pad right on controller set by the game, key can be changed in game settings).
Command shooting at entity (ped, vehicle or object) by aiming at an entity + pressing Context Action.
Command fall back by not aiming at an entity + pressing Context Action.
Note that commands can be canceled by native scripts.
Tanks can spawn with friendly or enemy drivers by default (can be turned off for example if you want to be able go more on the offensive, tank_spawn_probability to 0). Some tanks will patrol the area they were spawned in. Frequency, probability, distance to player and max number of tanks can be customized. The default values gives a good balance between situations of defense, sometimes pure survival and other situations of possibilities to go on the offensive. Always keep an eye on the surroundings!
Cash picked up by the player is spent on buying armor or health, if armor is full and health is not. The player and peds are healed by being close to paramedics and ambulances. Tanks gives armor to player and peds when very close to empty tanks or tanks driven by friendly peds. Health and armor are given to the player upon activating the mod and respawning. Peds are given armor.
Ammu-Nations restores player's and/or peds armor, gives ammo and upgrades the current equipped weapon when the player and/or ped is inside.
Command speech will be played if certain skins (change skin with a trainer) are used which have the sounds "fall back" and "cover me". For example the black ops soldiers, cops, hillbilly(male), gang and goon members(male) etc. There seems to be a speech cooldown but the command is always given even though the sound is on cooldown.
Wanted level is off by default.
Friendly pedestrians who are not in your group might turn on you if you show hostility. You only get points from killing hostiles. High score is not counted if invincible mode has been on since last death.
Weapons are removed from the player when activating the mod. 1-3 (by default) new weapons are added instead. You will have to get others from killing foes. Removal of weapons can be disabled in the configuration file.
All weapons are added to the player when you deactivate the mod, by default.
A pistol is always given by default to the player when respawning or activating the mod.
Since pedestrians are spawned by native scripts, they sometimes tries to flee. This mod interrupts their tasks until they stops fleeing and during that time they are incapacitated.
Check "Major Update 2.0" below.
Goes well with other mods like https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/infinitearmour-asi
In more detail
You can choose how many of the peds in the world and those spawned should be enemies:
;Choose in percent how many peds you like to become enemies. 0-100.
The rest are set to friendly on the highest level meaning they can't turn on you.
Within your side of peds there are two levels. Just friendly (will never harm you and stay on your side until they die) but attack enemies together with you
and then the next level, bodyguards. Bodyguards will follow you around. You can make friendly peds into bodyguards by getting close to a friendly ped. The ped will
then join your squad/companions/bodyguards (same thing) and follow you around.
You can also do this by first identifying peds if they are hostile or friendly but aiming at them. When identified, friendly peds will get a green marker over their heads and your squad/companions/bodyguards will get a higher rank insignia marker so that you
see who's who. Direct friendly fire is not possible although with explosions.
Within the teams everyone is friendly towards each other and won't hurt each other except for doing mistakes with for example explosions. They will even say sorry sometimes.
In the case above, there's a 25% chance peds are set on your team. So if you're lucky all peds around theoretically can be friendly but it's more likely one or two are and the rest enemies. If all are enemies, move in the world until you find peds on your side.
Some features can be toggled on/off or changed in the configuration file and you can change the default values if you want:
- Activation keys for keyboard and controller (CTRL + T and RB + X by default).
- Choose a percentage of how many peds you like to become enemies, 0-100 (set to 50 by default).
- Show the current kill count on screen after a kill (default on).
- Different options for removal of player's weapons when killed/arrested (removed and replaced by 1 to 3 new weapons by default).
- Give all weapons to the player when deactivating the mod (default on).
- Different options to choose which types of weapons should be given (all by default).
- Ammu-Nations restores player's and/or peds armor, gives ammo and upgrades the current equipped weapon when the player and/or ped is inside.
- Pistol always given when respawning or activating (default on).
- Tank spawn frequency, probability, distance to the player and max number of tanks.
- Max number of weapons given.
- Player invincible (default off). High score can not be set while invincible.
- Amount of armor from picked up cash multiplier (default 1:1).
- Armor given to peds (default set to depending on wealth).
- Healed by paramedics and ambulances (default on).
- Clear player wanted level (default on).
- Friendly peds joins and follows the player and gets a new marker symbol (default on).
- Blip for friendly peds (default on).
- Markers for friendly peds (default on).
- No red blips for enemy peds (default off).
- Set the time upon death. Always midday, midnight or your own current time set when respawning at the hospital or after arrest (default off).
- Setting to hide the main menu map and minimap by not drawing them (set to show the map by default).
- Change the color of the kill count text (also startup text).
- Change the text font.
Major Update 2.0
This update adds a lot of new features. You will face more action and a more dynamic experience with better survivability and control over your squad.
-- Ped patrols spawns with random vehicles, vehicle upgrades, ped weapons and ped weapon upgrades. Patrols only spawns when the number of existing nearby enemies does not exceeds a certain limit (limit can be changed). Spawning will only occur on road nodes within a certain distance range from the player. Min and max distance from the player can be changed. Settings in the .ini.
-- Get into the closest vehicle with default key B and press again to switch seat. See .ini for controller settings.
-- Let a squad member drive you while you shoot by switching place with default key B. Current speed will be tried to be kept.
-- Team assist kill calculation with high score and also shown on screen.
-- Respawn alternatives (same as the standalone mod called the same, don't use both at the same time). Random from a list with over 500 coordinates, random on the map - on a road, in the air or on foot.
You can also set to respawn where you died. Change chance of each respawn type in the .ini.
-- Player skin persists death/arrest. Works fine with Native Trainer, ENT resets death state and the skin which prevents death and therefore the skin won't persist. Other trainers have not been tested. Random spawn and skin persist death/arrest can be turned off.
-- New commands. Aim + context key(E)/button on a friendly to make the ped join your squad.
-- Aiming at a group member and pressing context key(E)/button selects the ped. Next command will only affect this selected ped. Selected peds have
two additional commands, press another friendly ped and the selected ped will run to the other ped's location.
Selecting the same ped twice commands the ped to guard the current position.
-- Taking cover commands close team members to go into cover.
-- Added speech to commands for supported ped skins.
-- Increased survivability and stronger team members.
-- Armored vehicles now also gives armor to player and ped.
-- Friendly peds green marker changes in strength depending on health.
-- Peds with throwable weapons now throws when given the command attack.
-- Player's best weapon is now automatically equipped when respawning or activating the mod, if giving random weapon to player is on.
-- Changed to AP Pistol as start weapon instead of normal pistol.
-- Tank spawn frequency reduced significantly by default.
And more.
You need the latest version of the tool Script Hook V by Alexander Blade in order for this mod to work.
Extract the .zip file and copy TeamUp.asi and TeamUpConfiguration.ini into your GTA5 folder where your GTA5.exe is located. Remove it again to remove the mod's features. Note that the mod is disabled by the script hook when going online into multiplayer.
Recommended mods
Something that stops DLC vehicles from despawning, like mp-vehicles-in-sp
Not yet implemented/ todo list
- Maybe add to the info on the screen when killed: who and with what killed the player. Or a camera focusing on the killer before fading out.
- Your suggestions and feedback.
- New progression mode.
- New squad system.
- Enhanced ped spawning system.
- Player respawned removed from the mod (later you will have to download thealternative respawn mod).
- Bodyguards added from other mods also added to player's squad.
- Add all new vehicle models.
Need to fix:
- always_give_startup_weapons doesn't work, need to fix.
- armor_and_health_from_cash sometimes doesn't work.
- weapon_types_given recreated from scratch.
How to make changes in the configuration file
With the mod comes the file called TeamUpConfiguration.ini. As stated in the installation instruction, this file goes into your GTA5 folder where your GTA5.exe is located. Just like the mod itself. The file can be opened and edited just like a text file but you might have to right click on it and click open as. You can use any text editor, like notepad.
The mod reads the file when it detects changes to it. Make changes in it and save it, these changes will take effect when you tab back into the game. There is no need to restart anything. Just go Alt + Tab while playing and switch to the .ini file, make some changes, save and Alt + Tab back into the game.
- Commands can now be given to your team/group. It's done by aiming and pressing Context Action (default E on keyboard and D-pad right on controller set by the game, key can be changed in game settings).
Command shooting at entity (ped, vehicle or object) by aiming at an entity + pressing Context Action.
Command fall back by not aiming at an entity + pressing Context Action.
Command speech will be played if certain skins (change skin with a trainer) are used which have the sounds "fall back" and "cover me". For example the black ops soldiers, cops, hillbilly(male), gang and goon members(male) etc. There seems to be a speech cooldown but the command is always given even though the sound is on cooldown.
Speech is only played if there are members in your team/group.
Note: Aiming at an entity can only be done if the used weapon can reach it.
Note: Peds with only melee weapons won't attack the target.
Note: Commands can be canceled by native scripts.
- Now there's a small chance of tank spawning, driven by enemy or friendly peds. Frequency, probability, distance to the player and max number of tanks can be changed in the .ini.
- Cash picked up by the player is now by default spent on armor if it's not full already. Unfortunately the game does not recognize the player as eligible to cash pickups when not using one of the player skins. When picking up cash drops with another skin no money is added to the player and therefore no armor either. Please share ideas of scenarios when armor should be given.
- Being very close to friendly paramedics or ambulances (inside, near the sides or the back) now heals the player by default.
- Peds are given armor at once when first affected by the mod. The amount depends on how rich the ped is (default). Can also be set to always full.
- Player is given full armor when respawning and activating the mod. Full health is also given upon activation.
- In addition to the random weapons given, a pistol is always given by default to the player when respawning or activating the mod.
- Better reset upon deactivation.
- Various minor improvements.
.ini file changes: https://www.diffchecker.com/7LlkCLpu
- Ammu-Nations now automatically restores player's and/or peds armor, gives ammo and upgrades the current equipped weapon when the player and/or ped is inside.
- Some tanks now patrol in the area after spawning. Watch out!
- Fixed bug related to the occurrence of tank spawning, which increased the spawn frequency. It should now work as intended. The default .ini values have also been tweaked to get a good balance between situations of defense, sometimes pure survival and other situations of possibilities to go on the offensive. Always keep an eye on the surroundings! You can turn them off with tank_spawn_probability set to 0.
- Health given by paramedics and ambulances will now also work for peds.
- Tanks gives armor to player and peds when very close to empty tanks or tanks driven by friendly peds.
- Picked up cash is now spent on increasing player's health if armor is full and health is not.
- Peds should now engage in combat more directly when affected by the mod.
- Better reset upon deactivation.
- The Railgun is removed from given weapons. Can be put back.
.ini file changes: https://www.diffchecker.com/7LlkCLpu
- Check "Major Update 2.0" above.
.ini file changes: https://www.diffchecker.com/4BU65Ixe
- Peds using mounted weapon on vehicle now never leaves, except if in player's team.
- The command shoot can no longer be interrupted except if using the fall back command.
No .ini changes.
The inhabitants of Los Santos are divided into two teams/sides and given weapons. Your task is to survive and get as many kills as possible.
Identify friendly pedestrians and get an advantage by making them follow you by teaming up.
Don't forget to check out the settings! For example increase the percentage of enemies, what kind of weapons should be used, ped spawn settings like min and max distance, max total number of enemies, auto regaining armor, respawn settings and much more!
Also in the game settings, under graphics, set "Population density" to a high value for more action.
Support and feedback: https://discord.gg/wMKtMTZ
Keyboard: CTRL + T by default. (Hold down first key and press second one.)
Controller: default buttons RB + X (activate_controller needs to be set to 1 in the configuration file first).
The are two levels within the group of friendlies on your side (team). Rank 1 and rank 2. Rank 2 is refereed to below as your squad.
You identify friendly pedestrians from a distance by aiming at them. They will then be marked so you know where they are. Being in close range identifies friendly peds automatically. If you get very close to a friendly ped and your group is not full (max 8 including you), he/she will join and follow you.
Commands can be given to your squad. It's done by aiming and pressing Context Action (default E on keyboard and D-pad right on controller set by the game, key can be changed in game settings).
Command shooting at entity (ped, vehicle or object) by aiming at an entity + pressing Context Action.
Command fall back by not aiming at an entity + pressing Context Action.
Note that commands can be canceled by native scripts.
Tanks can spawn with friendly or enemy drivers by default (can be turned off for example if you want to be able go more on the offensive, tank_spawn_probability to 0). Some tanks will patrol the area they were spawned in. Frequency, probability, distance to player and max number of tanks can be customized. The default values gives a good balance between situations of defense, sometimes pure survival and other situations of possibilities to go on the offensive. Always keep an eye on the surroundings!
Cash picked up by the player is spent on buying armor or health, if armor is full and health is not. The player and peds are healed by being close to paramedics and ambulances. Tanks gives armor to player and peds when very close to empty tanks or tanks driven by friendly peds. Health and armor are given to the player upon activating the mod and respawning. Peds are given armor.
Ammu-Nations restores player's and/or peds armor, gives ammo and upgrades the current equipped weapon when the player and/or ped is inside.
Command speech will be played if certain skins (change skin with a trainer) are used which have the sounds "fall back" and "cover me". For example the black ops soldiers, cops, hillbilly(male), gang and goon members(male) etc. There seems to be a speech cooldown but the command is always given even though the sound is on cooldown.
Wanted level is off by default.
Friendly pedestrians who are not in your group might turn on you if you show hostility. You only get points from killing hostiles. High score is not counted if invincible mode has been on since last death.
Weapons are removed from the player when activating the mod. 1-3 (by default) new weapons are added instead. You will have to get others from killing foes. Removal of weapons can be disabled in the configuration file.
All weapons are added to the player when you deactivate the mod, by default.
A pistol is always given by default to the player when respawning or activating the mod.
Since pedestrians are spawned by native scripts, they sometimes tries to flee. This mod interrupts their tasks until they stops fleeing and during that time they are incapacitated.
Check "Major Update 2.0" below.
Goes well with other mods like https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/infinitearmour-asi
In more detail
You can choose how many of the peds in the world and those spawned should be enemies:
;Choose in percent how many peds you like to become enemies. 0-100.
The rest are set to friendly on the highest level meaning they can't turn on you.
Within your side of peds there are two levels. Just friendly (will never harm you and stay on your side until they die) but attack enemies together with you
and then the next level, bodyguards. Bodyguards will follow you around. You can make friendly peds into bodyguards by getting close to a friendly ped. The ped will
then join your squad/companions/bodyguards (same thing) and follow you around.
You can also do this by first identifying peds if they are hostile or friendly but aiming at them. When identified, friendly peds will get a green marker over their heads and your squad/companions/bodyguards will get a higher rank insignia marker so that you
see who's who. Direct friendly fire is not possible although with explosions.
Within the teams everyone is friendly towards each other and won't hurt each other except for doing mistakes with for example explosions. They will even say sorry sometimes.
In the case above, there's a 25% chance peds are set on your team. So if you're lucky all peds around theoretically can be friendly but it's more likely one or two are and the rest enemies. If all are enemies, move in the world until you find peds on your side.
Some features can be toggled on/off or changed in the configuration file and you can change the default values if you want:
- Activation keys for keyboard and controller (CTRL + T and RB + X by default).
- Choose a percentage of how many peds you like to become enemies, 0-100 (set to 50 by default).
- Show the current kill count on screen after a kill (default on).
- Different options for removal of player's weapons when killed/arrested (removed and replaced by 1 to 3 new weapons by default).
- Give all weapons to the player when deactivating the mod (default on).
- Different options to choose which types of weapons should be given (all by default).
- Ammu-Nations restores player's and/or peds armor, gives ammo and upgrades the current equipped weapon when the player and/or ped is inside.
- Pistol always given when respawning or activating (default on).
- Tank spawn frequency, probability, distance to the player and max number of tanks.
- Max number of weapons given.
- Player invincible (default off). High score can not be set while invincible.
- Amount of armor from picked up cash multiplier (default 1:1).
- Armor given to peds (default set to depending on wealth).
- Healed by paramedics and ambulances (default on).
- Clear player wanted level (default on).
- Friendly peds joins and follows the player and gets a new marker symbol (default on).
- Blip for friendly peds (default on).
- Markers for friendly peds (default on).
- No red blips for enemy peds (default off).
- Set the time upon death. Always midday, midnight or your own current time set when respawning at the hospital or after arrest (default off).
- Setting to hide the main menu map and minimap by not drawing them (set to show the map by default).
- Change the color of the kill count text (also startup text).
- Change the text font.
Major Update 2.0
This update adds a lot of new features. You will face more action and a more dynamic experience with better survivability and control over your squad.
-- Ped patrols spawns with random vehicles, vehicle upgrades, ped weapons and ped weapon upgrades. Patrols only spawns when the number of existing nearby enemies does not exceeds a certain limit (limit can be changed). Spawning will only occur on road nodes within a certain distance range from the player. Min and max distance from the player can be changed. Settings in the .ini.
-- Get into the closest vehicle with default key B and press again to switch seat. See .ini for controller settings.
-- Let a squad member drive you while you shoot by switching place with default key B. Current speed will be tried to be kept.
-- Team assist kill calculation with high score and also shown on screen.
-- Respawn alternatives (same as the standalone mod called the same, don't use both at the same time). Random from a list with over 500 coordinates, random on the map - on a road, in the air or on foot.
You can also set to respawn where you died. Change chance of each respawn type in the .ini.
-- Player skin persists death/arrest. Works fine with Native Trainer, ENT resets death state and the skin which prevents death and therefore the skin won't persist. Other trainers have not been tested. Random spawn and skin persist death/arrest can be turned off.
-- New commands. Aim + context key(E)/button on a friendly to make the ped join your squad.
-- Aiming at a group member and pressing context key(E)/button selects the ped. Next command will only affect this selected ped. Selected peds have
two additional commands, press another friendly ped and the selected ped will run to the other ped's location.
Selecting the same ped twice commands the ped to guard the current position.
-- Taking cover commands close team members to go into cover.
-- Added speech to commands for supported ped skins.
-- Increased survivability and stronger team members.
-- Armored vehicles now also gives armor to player and ped.
-- Friendly peds green marker changes in strength depending on health.
-- Peds with throwable weapons now throws when given the command attack.
-- Player's best weapon is now automatically equipped when respawning or activating the mod, if giving random weapon to player is on.
-- Changed to AP Pistol as start weapon instead of normal pistol.
-- Tank spawn frequency reduced significantly by default.
And more.
You need the latest version of the tool Script Hook V by Alexander Blade in order for this mod to work.
Extract the .zip file and copy TeamUp.asi and TeamUpConfiguration.ini into your GTA5 folder where your GTA5.exe is located. Remove it again to remove the mod's features. Note that the mod is disabled by the script hook when going online into multiplayer.
Recommended mods
Something that stops DLC vehicles from despawning, like mp-vehicles-in-sp
Not yet implemented/ todo list
- Maybe add to the info on the screen when killed: who and with what killed the player. Or a camera focusing on the killer before fading out.
- Your suggestions and feedback.
- New progression mode.
- New squad system.
- Enhanced ped spawning system.
- Player respawned removed from the mod (later you will have to download thealternative respawn mod).
- Bodyguards added from other mods also added to player's squad.
- Add all new vehicle models.
Need to fix:
- always_give_startup_weapons doesn't work, need to fix.
- armor_and_health_from_cash sometimes doesn't work.
- weapon_types_given recreated from scratch.
How to make changes in the configuration file
With the mod comes the file called TeamUpConfiguration.ini. As stated in the installation instruction, this file goes into your GTA5 folder where your GTA5.exe is located. Just like the mod itself. The file can be opened and edited just like a text file but you might have to right click on it and click open as. You can use any text editor, like notepad.
The mod reads the file when it detects changes to it. Make changes in it and save it, these changes will take effect when you tab back into the game. There is no need to restart anything. Just go Alt + Tab while playing and switch to the .ini file, make some changes, save and Alt + Tab back into the game.
- Commands can now be given to your team/group. It's done by aiming and pressing Context Action (default E on keyboard and D-pad right on controller set by the game, key can be changed in game settings).
Command shooting at entity (ped, vehicle or object) by aiming at an entity + pressing Context Action.
Command fall back by not aiming at an entity + pressing Context Action.
Command speech will be played if certain skins (change skin with a trainer) are used which have the sounds "fall back" and "cover me". For example the black ops soldiers, cops, hillbilly(male), gang and goon members(male) etc. There seems to be a speech cooldown but the command is always given even though the sound is on cooldown.
Speech is only played if there are members in your team/group.
Note: Aiming at an entity can only be done if the used weapon can reach it.
Note: Peds with only melee weapons won't attack the target.
Note: Commands can be canceled by native scripts.
- Now there's a small chance of tank spawning, driven by enemy or friendly peds. Frequency, probability, distance to the player and max number of tanks can be changed in the .ini.
- Cash picked up by the player is now by default spent on armor if it's not full already. Unfortunately the game does not recognize the player as eligible to cash pickups when not using one of the player skins. When picking up cash drops with another skin no money is added to the player and therefore no armor either. Please share ideas of scenarios when armor should be given.
- Being very close to friendly paramedics or ambulances (inside, near the sides or the back) now heals the player by default.
- Peds are given armor at once when first affected by the mod. The amount depends on how rich the ped is (default). Can also be set to always full.
- Player is given full armor when respawning and activating the mod. Full health is also given upon activation.
- In addition to the random weapons given, a pistol is always given by default to the player when respawning or activating the mod.
- Better reset upon deactivation.
- Various minor improvements.
.ini file changes: https://www.diffchecker.com/7LlkCLpu
- Ammu-Nations now automatically restores player's and/or peds armor, gives ammo and upgrades the current equipped weapon when the player and/or ped is inside.
- Some tanks now patrol in the area after spawning. Watch out!
- Fixed bug related to the occurrence of tank spawning, which increased the spawn frequency. It should now work as intended. The default .ini values have also been tweaked to get a good balance between situations of defense, sometimes pure survival and other situations of possibilities to go on the offensive. Always keep an eye on the surroundings! You can turn them off with tank_spawn_probability set to 0.
- Health given by paramedics and ambulances will now also work for peds.
- Tanks gives armor to player and peds when very close to empty tanks or tanks driven by friendly peds.
- Picked up cash is now spent on increasing player's health if armor is full and health is not.
- Peds should now engage in combat more directly when affected by the mod.
- Better reset upon deactivation.
- The Railgun is removed from given weapons. Can be put back.
.ini file changes: https://www.diffchecker.com/7LlkCLpu
- Check "Major Update 2.0" above.
.ini file changes: https://www.diffchecker.com/4BU65Ixe
- Peds using mounted weapon on vehicle now never leaves, except if in player's team.
- The command shoot can no longer be interrupted except if using the fall back command.
No .ini changes.
Првпат Додадено: Октомври 22, 2016
Последно Ажурирање: Јануари 14, 2017
Последно Симнување: пред 19 саати
1 Коментар
More mods by R3QQ:
Basic Description
The inhabitants of Los Santos are divided into two teams/sides and given weapons. Your task is to survive and get as many kills as possible.
Identify friendly pedestrians and get an advantage by making them follow you by teaming up.
Don't forget to check out the settings! For example increase the percentage of enemies, what kind of weapons should be used, ped spawn settings like min and max distance, max total number of enemies, auto regaining armor, respawn settings and much more!
Also in the game settings, under graphics, set "Population density" to a high value for more action.
Support and feedback: https://discord.gg/wMKtMTZ
Keyboard: CTRL + T by default. (Hold down first key and press second one.)
Controller: default buttons RB + X (activate_controller needs to be set to 1 in the configuration file first).
The are two levels within the group of friendlies on your side (team). Rank 1 and rank 2. Rank 2 is refereed to below as your squad.
You identify friendly pedestrians from a distance by aiming at them. They will then be marked so you know where they are. Being in close range identifies friendly peds automatically. If you get very close to a friendly ped and your group is not full (max 8 including you), he/she will join and follow you.
Commands can be given to your squad. It's done by aiming and pressing Context Action (default E on keyboard and D-pad right on controller set by the game, key can be changed in game settings).
Command shooting at entity (ped, vehicle or object) by aiming at an entity + pressing Context Action.
Command fall back by not aiming at an entity + pressing Context Action.
Note that commands can be canceled by native scripts.
Tanks can spawn with friendly or enemy drivers by default (can be turned off for example if you want to be able go more on the offensive, tank_spawn_probability to 0). Some tanks will patrol the area they were spawned in. Frequency, probability, distance to player and max number of tanks can be customized. The default values gives a good balance between situations of defense, sometimes pure survival and other situations of possibilities to go on the offensive. Always keep an eye on the surroundings!
Cash picked up by the player is spent on buying armor or health, if armor is full and health is not. The player and peds are healed by being close to paramedics and ambulances. Tanks gives armor to player and peds when very close to empty tanks or tanks driven by friendly peds. Health and armor are given to the player upon activating the mod and respawning. Peds are given armor.
Ammu-Nations restores player's and/or peds armor, gives ammo and upgrades the current equipped weapon when the player and/or ped is inside.
Command speech will be played if certain skins (change skin with a trainer) are used which have the sounds "fall back" and "cover me". For example the black ops soldiers, cops, hillbilly(male), gang and goon members(male) etc. There seems to be a speech cooldown but the command is always given even though the sound is on cooldown.
Wanted level is off by default.
Friendly pedestrians who are not in your group might turn on you if you show hostility. You only get points from killing hostiles. High score is not counted if invincible mode has been on since last death.
Weapons are removed from the player when activating the mod. 1-3 (by default) new weapons are added instead. You will have to get others from killing foes. Removal of weapons can be disabled in the configuration file.
All weapons are added to the player when you deactivate the mod, by default.
A pistol is always given by default to the player when respawning or activating the mod.
Since pedestrians are spawned by native scripts, they sometimes tries to flee. This mod interrupts their tasks until they stops fleeing and during that time they are incapacitated.
Check "Major Update 2.0" below.
Goes well with other mods like https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/infinitearmour-asi
In more detail
You can choose how many of the peds in the world and those spawned should be enemies:
;Choose in percent how many peds you like to become enemies. 0-100.
The rest are set to friendly on the highest level meaning they can't turn on you.
Within your side of peds there are two levels. Just friendly (will never harm you and stay on your side until they die) but attack enemies together with you
and then the next level, bodyguards. Bodyguards will follow you around. You can make friendly peds into bodyguards by getting close to a friendly ped. The ped will
then join your squad/companions/bodyguards (same thing) and follow you around.
You can also do this by first identifying peds if they are hostile or friendly but aiming at them. When identified, friendly peds will get a green marker over their heads and your squad/companions/bodyguards will get a higher rank insignia marker so that you
see who's who. Direct friendly fire is not possible although with explosions.
Within the teams everyone is friendly towards each other and won't hurt each other except for doing mistakes with for example explosions. They will even say sorry sometimes.
In the case above, there's a 25% chance peds are set on your team. So if you're lucky all peds around theoretically can be friendly but it's more likely one or two are and the rest enemies. If all are enemies, move in the world until you find peds on your side.
Some features can be toggled on/off or changed in the configuration file and you can change the default values if you want:
- Activation keys for keyboard and controller (CTRL + T and RB + X by default).
- Choose a percentage of how many peds you like to become enemies, 0-100 (set to 50 by default).
- Show the current kill count on screen after a kill (default on).
- Different options for removal of player's weapons when killed/arrested (removed and replaced by 1 to 3 new weapons by default).
- Give all weapons to the player when deactivating the mod (default on).
- Different options to choose which types of weapons should be given (all by default).
- Ammu-Nations restores player's and/or peds armor, gives ammo and upgrades the current equipped weapon when the player and/or ped is inside.
- Pistol always given when respawning or activating (default on).
- Tank spawn frequency, probability, distance to the player and max number of tanks.
- Max number of weapons given.
- Player invincible (default off). High score can not be set while invincible.
- Amount of armor from picked up cash multiplier (default 1:1).
- Armor given to peds (default set to depending on wealth).
- Healed by paramedics and ambulances (default on).
- Clear player wanted level (default on).
- Friendly peds joins and follows the player and gets a new marker symbol (default on).
- Blip for friendly peds (default on).
- Markers for friendly peds (default on).
- No red blips for enemy peds (default off).
- Set the time upon death. Always midday, midnight or your own current time set when respawning at the hospital or after arrest (default off).
- Setting to hide the main menu map and minimap by not drawing them (set to show the map by default).
- Change the color of the kill count text (also startup text).
- Change the text font.
Major Update 2.0
This update adds a lot of new features. You will face more action and a more dynamic experience with better survivability and control over your squad.
-- Ped patrols spawns with random vehicles, vehicle upgrades, ped weapons and ped weapon upgrades. Patrols only spawns when the number of existing nearby enemies does not exceeds a certain limit (limit can be changed). Spawning will only occur on road nodes within a certain distance range from the player. Min and max distance from the player can be changed. Settings in the .ini.
-- Get into the closest vehicle with default key B and press again to switch seat. See .ini for controller settings.
-- Let a squad member drive you while you shoot by switching place with default key B. Current speed will be tried to be kept.
-- Team assist kill calculation with high score and also shown on screen.
-- Respawn alternatives (same as the standalone mod called the same, don't use both at the same time). Random from a list with over 500 coordinates, random on the map - on a road, in the air or on foot.
You can also set to respawn where you died. Change chance of each respawn type in the .ini.
-- Player skin persists death/arrest. Works fine with Native Trainer, ENT resets death state and the skin which prevents death and therefore the skin won't persist. Other trainers have not been tested. Random spawn and skin persist death/arrest can be turned off.
-- New commands. Aim + context key(E)/button on a friendly to make the ped join your squad.
-- Aiming at a group member and pressing context key(E)/button selects the ped. Next command will only affect this selected ped. Selected peds have
two additional commands, press another friendly ped and the selected ped will run to the other ped's location.
Selecting the same ped twice commands the ped to guard the current position.
-- Taking cover commands close team members to go into cover.
-- Added speech to commands for supported ped skins.
-- Increased survivability and stronger team members.
-- Armored vehicles now also gives armor to player and ped.
-- Friendly peds green marker changes in strength depending on health.
-- Peds with throwable weapons now throws when given the command attack.
-- Player's best weapon is now automatically equipped when respawning or activating the mod, if giving random weapon to player is on.
-- Changed to AP Pistol as start weapon instead of normal pistol.
-- Tank spawn frequency reduced significantly by default.
And more.
You need the latest version of the tool Script Hook V by Alexander Blade in order for this mod to work.
Extract the .zip file and copy TeamUp.asi and TeamUpConfiguration.ini into your GTA5 folder where your GTA5.exe is located. Remove it again to remove the mod's features. Note that the mod is disabled by the script hook when going online into multiplayer.
Recommended mods
Something that stops DLC vehicles from despawning, like mp-vehicles-in-sp
Not yet implemented/ todo list
- Maybe add to the info on the screen when killed: who and with what killed the player. Or a camera focusing on the killer before fading out.
- Your suggestions and feedback.
- New progression mode.
- New squad system.
- Enhanced ped spawning system.
- Player respawned removed from the mod (later you will have to download thealternative respawn mod).
- Bodyguards added from other mods also added to player's squad.
- Add all new vehicle models.
Need to fix:
- always_give_startup_weapons doesn't work, need to fix.
- armor_and_health_from_cash sometimes doesn't work.
- weapon_types_given recreated from scratch.
How to make changes in the configuration file
With the mod comes the file called TeamUpConfiguration.ini. As stated in the installation instruction, this file goes into your GTA5 folder where your GTA5.exe is located. Just like the mod itself. The file can be opened and edited just like a text file but you might have to right click on it and click open as. You can use any text editor, like notepad.
The mod reads the file when it detects changes to it. Make changes in it and save it, these changes will take effect when you tab back into the game. There is no need to restart anything. Just go Alt + Tab while playing and switch to the .ini file, make some changes, save and Alt + Tab back into the game.
- Commands can now be given to your team/group. It's done by aiming and pressing Context Action (default E on keyboard and D-pad right on controller set by the game, key can be changed in game settings).
Command shooting at entity (ped, vehicle or object) by aiming at an entity + pressing Context Action.
Command fall back by not aiming at an entity + pressing Context Action.
Command speech will be played if certain skins (change skin with a trainer) are used which have the sounds "fall back" and "cover me". For example the black ops soldiers, cops, hillbilly(male), gang and goon members(male) etc. There seems to be a speech cooldown but the command is always given even though the sound is on cooldown.
Speech is only played if there are members in your team/group.
Note: Aiming at an entity can only be done if the used weapon can reach it.
Note: Peds with only melee weapons won't attack the target.
Note: Commands can be canceled by native scripts.
- Now there's a small chance of tank spawning, driven by enemy or friendly peds. Frequency, probability, distance to the player and max number of tanks can be changed in the .ini.
- Cash picked up by the player is now by default spent on armor if it's not full already. Unfortunately the game does not recognize the player as eligible to cash pickups when not using one of the player skins. When picking up cash drops with another skin no money is added to the player and therefore no armor either. Please share ideas of scenarios when armor should be given.
- Being very close to friendly paramedics or ambulances (inside, near the sides or the back) now heals the player by default.
- Peds are given armor at once when first affected by the mod. The amount depends on how rich the ped is (default). Can also be set to always full.
- Player is given full armor when respawning and activating the mod. Full health is also given upon activation.
- In addition to the random weapons given, a pistol is always given by default to the player when respawning or activating the mod.
- Better reset upon deactivation.
- Various minor improvements.
.ini file changes: https://www.diffchecker.com/7LlkCLpu
- Ammu-Nations now automatically restores player's and/or peds armor, gives ammo and upgrades the current equipped weapon when the player and/or ped is inside.
- Some tanks now patrol in the area after spawning. Watch out!
- Fixed bug related to the occurrence of tank spawning, which increased the spawn frequency. It should now work as intended. The default .ini values have also been tweaked to get a good balance between situations of defense, sometimes pure survival and other situations of possibilities to go on the offensive. Always keep an eye on the surroundings! You can turn them off with tank_spawn_probability set to 0.
- Health given by paramedics and ambulances will now also work for peds.
- Tanks gives armor to player and peds when very close to empty tanks or tanks driven by friendly peds.
- Picked up cash is now spent on increasing player's health if armor is full and health is not.
- Peds should now engage in combat more directly when affected by the mod.
- Better reset upon deactivation.
- The Railgun is removed from given weapons. Can be put back.
.ini file changes: https://www.diffchecker.com/7LlkCLpu
- Check "Major Update 2.0" above.
.ini file changes: https://www.diffchecker.com/4BU65Ixe
- Peds using mounted weapon on vehicle now never leaves, except if in player's team.
- The command shoot can no longer be interrupted except if using the fall back command.
No .ini changes.
The inhabitants of Los Santos are divided into two teams/sides and given weapons. Your task is to survive and get as many kills as possible.
Identify friendly pedestrians and get an advantage by making them follow you by teaming up.
Don't forget to check out the settings! For example increase the percentage of enemies, what kind of weapons should be used, ped spawn settings like min and max distance, max total number of enemies, auto regaining armor, respawn settings and much more!
Also in the game settings, under graphics, set "Population density" to a high value for more action.
Support and feedback: https://discord.gg/wMKtMTZ
Keyboard: CTRL + T by default. (Hold down first key and press second one.)
Controller: default buttons RB + X (activate_controller needs to be set to 1 in the configuration file first).
The are two levels within the group of friendlies on your side (team). Rank 1 and rank 2. Rank 2 is refereed to below as your squad.
You identify friendly pedestrians from a distance by aiming at them. They will then be marked so you know where they are. Being in close range identifies friendly peds automatically. If you get very close to a friendly ped and your group is not full (max 8 including you), he/she will join and follow you.
Commands can be given to your squad. It's done by aiming and pressing Context Action (default E on keyboard and D-pad right on controller set by the game, key can be changed in game settings).
Command shooting at entity (ped, vehicle or object) by aiming at an entity + pressing Context Action.
Command fall back by not aiming at an entity + pressing Context Action.
Note that commands can be canceled by native scripts.
Tanks can spawn with friendly or enemy drivers by default (can be turned off for example if you want to be able go more on the offensive, tank_spawn_probability to 0). Some tanks will patrol the area they were spawned in. Frequency, probability, distance to player and max number of tanks can be customized. The default values gives a good balance between situations of defense, sometimes pure survival and other situations of possibilities to go on the offensive. Always keep an eye on the surroundings!
Cash picked up by the player is spent on buying armor or health, if armor is full and health is not. The player and peds are healed by being close to paramedics and ambulances. Tanks gives armor to player and peds when very close to empty tanks or tanks driven by friendly peds. Health and armor are given to the player upon activating the mod and respawning. Peds are given armor.
Ammu-Nations restores player's and/or peds armor, gives ammo and upgrades the current equipped weapon when the player and/or ped is inside.
Command speech will be played if certain skins (change skin with a trainer) are used which have the sounds "fall back" and "cover me". For example the black ops soldiers, cops, hillbilly(male), gang and goon members(male) etc. There seems to be a speech cooldown but the command is always given even though the sound is on cooldown.
Wanted level is off by default.
Friendly pedestrians who are not in your group might turn on you if you show hostility. You only get points from killing hostiles. High score is not counted if invincible mode has been on since last death.
Weapons are removed from the player when activating the mod. 1-3 (by default) new weapons are added instead. You will have to get others from killing foes. Removal of weapons can be disabled in the configuration file.
All weapons are added to the player when you deactivate the mod, by default.
A pistol is always given by default to the player when respawning or activating the mod.
Since pedestrians are spawned by native scripts, they sometimes tries to flee. This mod interrupts their tasks until they stops fleeing and during that time they are incapacitated.
Check "Major Update 2.0" below.
Goes well with other mods like https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/infinitearmour-asi
In more detail
You can choose how many of the peds in the world and those spawned should be enemies:
;Choose in percent how many peds you like to become enemies. 0-100.
The rest are set to friendly on the highest level meaning they can't turn on you.
Within your side of peds there are two levels. Just friendly (will never harm you and stay on your side until they die) but attack enemies together with you
and then the next level, bodyguards. Bodyguards will follow you around. You can make friendly peds into bodyguards by getting close to a friendly ped. The ped will
then join your squad/companions/bodyguards (same thing) and follow you around.
You can also do this by first identifying peds if they are hostile or friendly but aiming at them. When identified, friendly peds will get a green marker over their heads and your squad/companions/bodyguards will get a higher rank insignia marker so that you
see who's who. Direct friendly fire is not possible although with explosions.
Within the teams everyone is friendly towards each other and won't hurt each other except for doing mistakes with for example explosions. They will even say sorry sometimes.
In the case above, there's a 25% chance peds are set on your team. So if you're lucky all peds around theoretically can be friendly but it's more likely one or two are and the rest enemies. If all are enemies, move in the world until you find peds on your side.
Some features can be toggled on/off or changed in the configuration file and you can change the default values if you want:
- Activation keys for keyboard and controller (CTRL + T and RB + X by default).
- Choose a percentage of how many peds you like to become enemies, 0-100 (set to 50 by default).
- Show the current kill count on screen after a kill (default on).
- Different options for removal of player's weapons when killed/arrested (removed and replaced by 1 to 3 new weapons by default).
- Give all weapons to the player when deactivating the mod (default on).
- Different options to choose which types of weapons should be given (all by default).
- Ammu-Nations restores player's and/or peds armor, gives ammo and upgrades the current equipped weapon when the player and/or ped is inside.
- Pistol always given when respawning or activating (default on).
- Tank spawn frequency, probability, distance to the player and max number of tanks.
- Max number of weapons given.
- Player invincible (default off). High score can not be set while invincible.
- Amount of armor from picked up cash multiplier (default 1:1).
- Armor given to peds (default set to depending on wealth).
- Healed by paramedics and ambulances (default on).
- Clear player wanted level (default on).
- Friendly peds joins and follows the player and gets a new marker symbol (default on).
- Blip for friendly peds (default on).
- Markers for friendly peds (default on).
- No red blips for enemy peds (default off).
- Set the time upon death. Always midday, midnight or your own current time set when respawning at the hospital or after arrest (default off).
- Setting to hide the main menu map and minimap by not drawing them (set to show the map by default).
- Change the color of the kill count text (also startup text).
- Change the text font.
Major Update 2.0
This update adds a lot of new features. You will face more action and a more dynamic experience with better survivability and control over your squad.
-- Ped patrols spawns with random vehicles, vehicle upgrades, ped weapons and ped weapon upgrades. Patrols only spawns when the number of existing nearby enemies does not exceeds a certain limit (limit can be changed). Spawning will only occur on road nodes within a certain distance range from the player. Min and max distance from the player can be changed. Settings in the .ini.
-- Get into the closest vehicle with default key B and press again to switch seat. See .ini for controller settings.
-- Let a squad member drive you while you shoot by switching place with default key B. Current speed will be tried to be kept.
-- Team assist kill calculation with high score and also shown on screen.
-- Respawn alternatives (same as the standalone mod called the same, don't use both at the same time). Random from a list with over 500 coordinates, random on the map - on a road, in the air or on foot.
You can also set to respawn where you died. Change chance of each respawn type in the .ini.
-- Player skin persists death/arrest. Works fine with Native Trainer, ENT resets death state and the skin which prevents death and therefore the skin won't persist. Other trainers have not been tested. Random spawn and skin persist death/arrest can be turned off.
-- New commands. Aim + context key(E)/button on a friendly to make the ped join your squad.
-- Aiming at a group member and pressing context key(E)/button selects the ped. Next command will only affect this selected ped. Selected peds have
two additional commands, press another friendly ped and the selected ped will run to the other ped's location.
Selecting the same ped twice commands the ped to guard the current position.
-- Taking cover commands close team members to go into cover.
-- Added speech to commands for supported ped skins.
-- Increased survivability and stronger team members.
-- Armored vehicles now also gives armor to player and ped.
-- Friendly peds green marker changes in strength depending on health.
-- Peds with throwable weapons now throws when given the command attack.
-- Player's best weapon is now automatically equipped when respawning or activating the mod, if giving random weapon to player is on.
-- Changed to AP Pistol as start weapon instead of normal pistol.
-- Tank spawn frequency reduced significantly by default.
And more.
You need the latest version of the tool Script Hook V by Alexander Blade in order for this mod to work.
Extract the .zip file and copy TeamUp.asi and TeamUpConfiguration.ini into your GTA5 folder where your GTA5.exe is located. Remove it again to remove the mod's features. Note that the mod is disabled by the script hook when going online into multiplayer.
Recommended mods
Something that stops DLC vehicles from despawning, like mp-vehicles-in-sp
Not yet implemented/ todo list
- Maybe add to the info on the screen when killed: who and with what killed the player. Or a camera focusing on the killer before fading out.
- Your suggestions and feedback.
- New progression mode.
- New squad system.
- Enhanced ped spawning system.
- Player respawned removed from the mod (later you will have to download thealternative respawn mod).
- Bodyguards added from other mods also added to player's squad.
- Add all new vehicle models.
Need to fix:
- always_give_startup_weapons doesn't work, need to fix.
- armor_and_health_from_cash sometimes doesn't work.
- weapon_types_given recreated from scratch.
How to make changes in the configuration file
With the mod comes the file called TeamUpConfiguration.ini. As stated in the installation instruction, this file goes into your GTA5 folder where your GTA5.exe is located. Just like the mod itself. The file can be opened and edited just like a text file but you might have to right click on it and click open as. You can use any text editor, like notepad.
The mod reads the file when it detects changes to it. Make changes in it and save it, these changes will take effect when you tab back into the game. There is no need to restart anything. Just go Alt + Tab while playing and switch to the .ini file, make some changes, save and Alt + Tab back into the game.
- Commands can now be given to your team/group. It's done by aiming and pressing Context Action (default E on keyboard and D-pad right on controller set by the game, key can be changed in game settings).
Command shooting at entity (ped, vehicle or object) by aiming at an entity + pressing Context Action.
Command fall back by not aiming at an entity + pressing Context Action.
Command speech will be played if certain skins (change skin with a trainer) are used which have the sounds "fall back" and "cover me". For example the black ops soldiers, cops, hillbilly(male), gang and goon members(male) etc. There seems to be a speech cooldown but the command is always given even though the sound is on cooldown.
Speech is only played if there are members in your team/group.
Note: Aiming at an entity can only be done if the used weapon can reach it.
Note: Peds with only melee weapons won't attack the target.
Note: Commands can be canceled by native scripts.
- Now there's a small chance of tank spawning, driven by enemy or friendly peds. Frequency, probability, distance to the player and max number of tanks can be changed in the .ini.
- Cash picked up by the player is now by default spent on armor if it's not full already. Unfortunately the game does not recognize the player as eligible to cash pickups when not using one of the player skins. When picking up cash drops with another skin no money is added to the player and therefore no armor either. Please share ideas of scenarios when armor should be given.
- Being very close to friendly paramedics or ambulances (inside, near the sides or the back) now heals the player by default.
- Peds are given armor at once when first affected by the mod. The amount depends on how rich the ped is (default). Can also be set to always full.
- Player is given full armor when respawning and activating the mod. Full health is also given upon activation.
- In addition to the random weapons given, a pistol is always given by default to the player when respawning or activating the mod.
- Better reset upon deactivation.
- Various minor improvements.
.ini file changes: https://www.diffchecker.com/7LlkCLpu
- Ammu-Nations now automatically restores player's and/or peds armor, gives ammo and upgrades the current equipped weapon when the player and/or ped is inside.
- Some tanks now patrol in the area after spawning. Watch out!
- Fixed bug related to the occurrence of tank spawning, which increased the spawn frequency. It should now work as intended. The default .ini values have also been tweaked to get a good balance between situations of defense, sometimes pure survival and other situations of possibilities to go on the offensive. Always keep an eye on the surroundings! You can turn them off with tank_spawn_probability set to 0.
- Health given by paramedics and ambulances will now also work for peds.
- Tanks gives armor to player and peds when very close to empty tanks or tanks driven by friendly peds.
- Picked up cash is now spent on increasing player's health if armor is full and health is not.
- Peds should now engage in combat more directly when affected by the mod.
- Better reset upon deactivation.
- The Railgun is removed from given weapons. Can be put back.
.ini file changes: https://www.diffchecker.com/7LlkCLpu
- Check "Major Update 2.0" above.
.ini file changes: https://www.diffchecker.com/4BU65Ixe
- Peds using mounted weapon on vehicle now never leaves, except if in player's team.
- The command shoot can no longer be interrupted except if using the fall back command.
No .ini changes.
Првпат Додадено: Октомври 22, 2016
Последно Ажурирање: Јануари 14, 2017
Последно Симнување: пред 19 саати
very good mod. Epic actually. Makes it COD!
@Dnay1212 That problem is know for people who are not using a legit version of the game. I just tested and it works great on a legit game.
I have spent hundred of hours on this mod and it's provided for free. Please remove your rating by making a new comment if you are not using a legit version of the game.
Many mods can't work without a legit game since script hook can't process native functions with wrong hashes or natives that doesn't yet exists in old game versions.
hey, it was epic games version, just tested on old laptop hdd with my old roxkstar games social club account, works fine. great mod. gonna play for few hours, then tomorrow. good bye. i wish this was added to gta online, that would be amazing. this can be inplemented in fivem so i could play with friends, i think if this wass added to server plugins on fivem it would work just fine online
@Dnay1212 Thanks for taking time to clarify. Multiplayer would be nice, yeah. RAGE Multiplayer looks interesting too. Glad you like the mod.
I'm planning to continue the work and I have a lot of ideas written down.
Support and feedback: https://discord.gg/wMKtMTZ
A new beta is now available for some time on discord.
Okay, so far this is an amazing mod. I'm loving it (I have not yet tried the beta, I'll have to go see what's different).
My only questions are: Can I "demote" bodyguards so that preferable character models can join me in their place, and can something be done about the fact that sometimes friendlies and enemies drive up together in the same car?
I might just try to reduce or eliminate traffic altogether, I enjoy this most on foot. Finished or not, this mod is definitely what I was hoping it to be and I can already tell I'm going to be very addicted to it.
@miketheratguy Thanks for the stars and feedback. Those are good suggestions for future development. I have in my todo list making bodyguards from other mods included as squad members.
I'm happy you like the mod. Spawning ped without vehicles sounds like a good idea.
@R3QQ Thanks. It's a great mod. I love the onscreen kill / assist count and the bodyguard feature is really cool. In the heat of battle it helps with the immersion to feel like you really are grouping up with other people to try to fight the "bad" guys. But sometimes I wind up with whiners who yell for mommy and stuff like that, lol, so I thought it would be kind of cool to be able to point to them and press a button to dismiss them (or just stay aimed at them for a few seconds or something) to free up the spot for a different ped. Just a thought, nothing major.
I do love the idea of peds appearing out of the cars though. I don't know if it's possible but the idea of peds being all along the sidewalks, crossing the street, walking down alleys, etc., yet being armed and part of this war, sounds like it would be super fun. But yeah either way the mod is very cool, you've done a good job on it. I love all the options.
@miketheratguy Let me know if you can get rid of the "whiners who yell for mommy" by disabling other mods :)
@R3QQ Yeah there was a fat ped model who, I could swear, actually yelled "mommy" at one time. I've never heard that before so I'm not sure but that definitely sounded like what I heard!
Anyway I tried your mod on the Epic games version and just seem to keep getting the same results. I even changed the gameconfig to multiply the amount of peds in my game world, which does work, but once the fighting starts to break out and that initial crowd becomes bodies, I can run down the street and I'm mostly just attacked by people in cars. This time (don't know if it's the settings or what) there WERE a few people to be found running across a small park or something but I don't know if they exited a vehicle to do so or not.
I might just take a video to send you so you can tell me if everything looks like it should.
@miketheratguy This is incredible strange. Make sure you're using no other mods when testing, the official scripthook and a legit game. This released version has been out for years and there have been no reports like this. It's a .asi mod with no memory hacking. I've been testing it extensively when adding new features for the beta.
Peds are given config values that makes them unable to flee, just go berserk. I haven't seen any reports of differences between the epic game version and the others.
I might download and test the mod on the epic games version just to be completely sure.
@miketheratguy Start the game, stand next to a ped on the street and activate the mod. The ped will be given weapon, join your side or start fighting you. Same with all other peds, already loaded in and those spawned by the game or mods until the TU is deactivated.
Ok, so I have tested the latest released version of this mod, from this site, on the Epic Games version now. The latest game update. Latest Official Script Hook. I turned spawning off, set population density to max, went to a gang area and activated the mod. All peds around me started fighting and it got intense. No peds ran away. I got wasted, respawned etc. and it kept working. I played for quite a while. Screenshot on discord. Naturally though, if you inactivate the mod, the mod resets ped settings, making them running away (which they should).
The problem wasn't so much with the vanilla street peds running away (I shouldn't have said that to begin with, that's a very specific thing), it's that after the initial "clear-out" of activating the mod and everyone killing each other, the streets seemed to remain pretty empty after that for some reason (except for vehicular traffic). For example when I start the game I might have 20 peds standing around a building or whatever, and after the firefight there are (obviously) none. If, on the other hand, I activate the mod several blocks down that same street and eventually make my way to that same building, not only will there not be 20 peds around, there will hardly be any peds on the way, either (except in vehicles). That's why my initial thought was that they were running away.
So, because I figured that I'm being a real pest about this, I sat down and watched your video of the first version of the mod in full. I realized that the same thing seems to be happening. You start in Sandy Shores and although there are a few peds around at first, after the first shootout it seems like mostly just vehicles that approach and not really a whole lot of peds fighting or running around on foot (though to be fair Sandy Shores is a lot emptier than the city to begin with, but the pattern was roughly the same). I also remembered that you mentioned not having your peds set to max. I'm seeing basically the same thing as your video, even though I'm using a mod that multiplies the number of peds (but not vehicles) five times over. If I play without activating the mod, peds are all over the place (like 10 or 20 around any given sidewalk or storefront, etc).
So I started thinking, SOMETHING is making the streets emptier after the mod is activated, and I'm wondering if it has to do with my distance settings or something in the ini (or who knows, maybe even in the game itself?) Could it be that I'm setting the distance for things to be so far that once the mod is activated, the fighting is breaking out so far ahead of me that by the time I get to that same area it's already been cleaned out?
@miketheratguy The game might spawn less peds because you're in combat, for example when having cops chasing you.
I can test this some time.
The native wanted script empties the streets from peds.
So if it runs, peds won't spawn.
PLAYER::CLEAR_PLAYER_WANTED_LEVEL is used both in this mod and the native trainer.
It just clears the wanted level, it doesn't prevent wanted from happening.
With PLAYER::SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL set to 0 the wanted script isn't run as often
and thus there should be more peds on the streets. I have only tested for a few minutes
so I can't say if that's the case. I can make a function later for testing that counts all peds in the world and
prints on screen.
If you want, you can help testing by installing a mod which allows you to set max wanted level to 0. ENT maybe.
Make sure to not activating anything else that might interfere.
Peds spawned by the game are given tasks and are controlled by a game script.
Therefore their behavior isn't always consistent. Some may bug out when both the game and this mod gives them tasks.
Maybe I should remove all peds on the street and replace them with new.
This was actually really helpful feedback. Great observations. Thanks!
No shit? Okay, I will play again with CLEAR WANTED LEVEL set to 0 (meaning that the script won't even run, right?) while also trying both of my trainers, MenYoo and ENT, to see if the streets don't empty of peds. Now, I should state that I think I have always played this mod with the police turned off, but whether that's through this mod or the trainer or whatever, I'm not sure. I also can't say what my Clear Wanted Level was. So I will try both and see if I get different results. We may have nailed the issue!
@miketheratguy Yeah but it actually doesn't matter if clear wanted level is used, although it helps to see what's happening when not used, (0).
Maybe you can store your trainer configuration files in a backup folder and use a new trainer configuration files temporarily when testing. Just to make sure nothing extra is used.
@miketheratguy I made a test version on discord in a new channel called test-versions. Info is written on screen about the ped status. No need for trainers or other mods now (you can set player_invincible=1 while testing) and see if there's any difference between clear_player_wanted_level=0 and 1. More info on discord.
this is hella fun