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blms Darc Preset for QuantV | FiveM V1

94ad7b darcday1
94ad7b darcday2
94ad7b darcsunset1
94ad7b darcsunset2
94ad7b darcnight1
94ad7b darcnight2


blms Darc ReShade Preset for QuantV

Darc ReShade Preset for Neutral, Clear, Extra Sunny, Overcast, Rain, Clearing, Smog weather

Pics were taken by me

Make sure to use the latest version of ReShade

Presets Folder Installation Steps:
1. Copy > blms Darc ReShade Preset
2. Copy > blms Darc ReShade Preset (with DOF & Clarity)
3. Paste to > FiveM Application Data > plugins

reshade-shaders - Textures Folder Installation Steps:
1. Copy > blmsdarc
2. Paste to > FiveM Application Data > plugins > reshade-shaders > Textures

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Првпат Додадено: пред 7 дена
Последно Ажурирање: пред 4 дена
Последно Симнување: пред 1 минута

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 V1 (current)

236 симнато , 18,8 MB
пред 7 дена

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