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Rockford Hills Mansion "Construction Complete" [MapEditor] .6



Follow me as I finish the house that's taken over 5 years to build.
(GTAV Release)

The construction in this build is about 85% done, but who knows we could see a lot of changes. There is currently no furniture other than a pool table, couch and some TV's thrown in. Once construction is complete, I will be moving throughout the house furnishing, adding fixtures and such.

Created with the current release of Map Editor saved as a .xml

It is suggested that you load the map with Map Editor, however it may be possible with Menyoo or other Map Editors that can load .xml files.

Leave a comment letting me know what you would like to see added into future builds!
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Првпат Додадено: Јануари 20, 2019
Последно Ажурирање: Јануари 21, 2019
Последно Симнување: пред 9 саати

All Versions

 .6 (current)

3.650 симнато , 22 KB
Јануари 21, 2019

 0.5 updates (includes older grass version)

98 симнато , 39 KB
Јануари 21, 2019

 Beta, Vegetation Test (2 Builds)

202 симнато , 38 KB
Јануари 20, 2019

12 Коментари