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Beach Stunt Track Challenge 1.0.1


A big stunt track located on Vespucci Beach.
You can use the vehicles at the start of the track or try to beat the track with your own vehicle.
You gotta be a good at braking, precise steering and much more!!

Difficulty level: Not hard, but also not easy.

Installation Instructions:

Step 1: Extract the zip file
Step 2: Open your Gta V folder and go to menyooStuff.
Step 3: Then go to the folder called Spooner
Step 4: Then copy or drag&drop the file called Beach Stunt Track Challenge into the Spooner folder.
Step 5: Start GTA V and activate your Menyoo.
Step 6: Go to Object Spooner and then go to Manage Saved Files.
Step 7: Load Beach Stunt Track Challenge and wait for it to load in.


Version 1.0.0: Initial launch.

Version 1.0.1: Added lighting so you can see at night and added a few more props and peds
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Првпат Додадено: Ноември 9, 2023
Последно Ажурирање: Ноември 15, 2023
Последно Симнување: пред 4 саати

All Versions

 1.0.1 (current)

1.673 симнато , 30 KB
Ноември 15, 2023


424 симнато , 22 KB
Ноември 9, 2023

1 Коментар