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@MAESTRE could you give us seperate gas mask? same model but it could be equipped using mods, in the category of hats
Im absolutely stunned
@SkylineGTRFreak not even the only problem, i managed to fix the controls but game will crash on loading screen, i have an acceptable gameconfig, updated scripthook V, game was working perfectly before but now it just crashes, any fix?
@SkylineGTRFreak i have problems with the controls, it unbounds many of them, what do i do
@drp4lyf please change the key to control, which is the default key for fenders...not E man, we wanna use horn too
@HKH191 how do you even start a heist
It does work on pirated versions, tested on 1.42 doomsday heist, works perfectly -2.5 stars for saying it doesnt work and misleading pirated users ;)
@StreetMode more detail, dont rush it, gloves, mask
@StreetMode Thanks alot! please try to make it detailed and not that cartoonish
@StreetMode Make it look less cartoonish, only 1 eye is red, PLEASE ADD THE UNIFORM SKIN AND NOT THE SKIN WHERE HE IS TORTURED. Also, make the kagune optional. Exactly like this : https://www.google.gr/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fi.stack.imgur.com%2FMu6fl.png&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Funsupported.msparp.com%2Fchat%2FFandomStukMAIN%2Flog%3Fpage%3D694&docid=XVnkDzfkWaHWEM&tbnid=47VpcNlQAapTPM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiw9MSW35LbAhWCO5oKHcl7APYQMwhNKBEwEQ..i&w=522&h=685&bih=974&biw=1920&q=ken%20kaneki%20aogiri%20tree&ved=0ahUKEwiw9MSW35LbAhWCO5oKHcl7APYQMwhNKBEwEQ&iact=mrc&uact=8