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  • Gtao08

    Great mod. In some vehicles I've been getting the "CARNOTFOUND" when saving the ratios, making the autoload not work properly. But I managed to fix it, if anyone is having the same troubles as me. You just need to change the "Model Name" in the XML file (found in Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V\CustomGearRatios\Configs) to the model name you find in the "vehicles.meta" file. For example, for Michael's car (Obey Tailgater) the custom gear ratio XML file automatically puts the model name "TAILGATE", but in the vehicles.meta the correct model name is "tailgater" (with an "r" at the end), so just replace the model name in the XML file for "TAILGATER". Franklin's car you need to change to "BUFFALO2" instead of "BUFFALO02". Hope it helps.

  • Gtao08

    Awesome, I've been wanting the mouse steering for so long. It' very good. The new camera is incredible, the only thing I've noticed is that hats and glasses don't disappear with the head, but it doesn't bother me so much. Keep up with the great work @ikt :D