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LIQUIDATOR: Random Assassination Mission Generator v1.02



LIQUIDATOR - is a script modification that allows you to generate a random assassination mission. When you start your mission your goal is to get to the random location that your mission advisor specified, then find and kill your target.


  • Latest ScriptHook V
  • Latest ScriptHookDotNET v2
  • WMPLib (Included!) (AxInterop.WMPLib.dll, Interop.WMPLib.dll)
  • iFruitAddon2 - 2.1.0

    1) Download the archive.
    2) Extract folder "scripts".
    3) Place "scripts" inside your main GTA V directory.
    4) Enjoy.

    Press Num1 on your Numpad buttons (Can be changed in INI file) OR use your phone and find a contact named "Bane" in your Contacts to start/cancel the mission.

    1) Call your mission advisor (press Num1 by default OR use your phone and find a contact named "Bane" in your Contacts). A destination marker will be created on the map.
    2) Move to the marker Or cancel your mission (press Num1 by the default OR use your phone and find a contact named "Bane" in your Contacts).
    3) Wait for instructions from your mission advisor on the point.
    4) A red marker will appear on the map if your target is not a stealth person (Assassin, Cyber criminal, Terrorist). Otherwise, the distance between you and the target will be displayed and there will be hidden/invisible markers. Only after your aggressive actions, these markers will be revealed. Take a note: the red marker -> your target, orange markers -> his bodyguards, yellow markers -> his backup squad, purple markers -> Ghost squad.
    5) Kill the target. You don't have to kill others.
    6) If you enjoy -> repeat to increase difficulty. (:

    1. Advisor's voice volume is too loud for some PC and laptops. Please let me know if you have this issue. Please use low volume sounds (temporary fix):
    1.1. Low volume sound files (-20dB): https://yadi.sk/d/icPbJZ7ThvclVA
    1.2. Low volume sound files (-10dB): https://yadi.sk/d/QCktKaSk3K8dfQ
    2. Target with Low and Medium morale in some scenarios can stop running away from you.
    3. Weird cellphone position on moving hands inside a vehicle when your character speaking to the mission advisor.
    NOTE: Please comment with any bugs you find or any annoyances that can be improved.

  • Targets at random locations (In the city itself, as well as outside).
  • Target's morale (Low, Medium, High).
  • Target types (Normal, Gang Member, Assassin, Police, Cyber criminal, Drug Cartel, Terrorist, Military).
  • Target's weapon skill (None, Self defense training, Military training, Veteran, Elite).
  • Target's extra actions (Police call, Backup call, Cellphone hack, Vehicle hack, Remote explosive devices).
  • Bodyguards (Security organization, Gang Members, Assassin's bodyguards, Police bodyguards, Cyber criminal's bodyguards, Drug Cartel's army, Terrorists, Army).
  • The Ghost squad - the most elite police unit.
  • Mission advisor.
  • Sounds and voices.
  • Progress saving system.
  • Detailed history of your missions (separate file).
  • INI file.
  • Increasing the difficulty after every successful target kill.
  • An Easter egg.

    1. Targets at a random location (In the city itself, as well as outside). Most of the events take place in the main city, but there is also a chance that you will be sent outside the city. So get ready to go on a long journey. But you can also cancel any mission, so as not to waste time on moving if you do not want to.

    2. Target's morale (Low, Medium, High) - affects some points in the behavior of the target's AI.
    2.1. Low morale - the target will not engage the player under any circumstances. Moreover, if the player reaches the target, the target will stop running away and raise his hands up, allegedly trying to negotiate something with you.
    2.2. Average morale - the target will try to escape by any means, entering into battle only if necessary. For example, actions such as stealing the nearest vehicle will be available for the target.
    2.3. High morale - the target will fight against the player, fighting to the end.

    3. Target types.
    3.1. Normal - a normal (default) target type. Targets of this type are not criminals, so cops will NOT shoot them in many scenarios.
    3.2. Gang Member - (available after 5 kills) a target that works for a local gang. He moves with at least 5 bodyguards. He is a criminal, so the police will shoot him if he starts shooting someone.
    3.3. Assassin - (available after 10 kills) Assassins shoot very accurately. A good arsenal is available for them to deal against your aggression. They are criminals. Other than that, they are stealth persons, so the target's marker will not be displayed on the map until you reveal yourself. Instead of the marker, the distance between you and the target will be displayed.
    3.4. Police Officer - (available after 15 kills) a target who works for the police. Prepare for a police chase after his elimination. He moves with at least 2 police officers/FBI agents.
    3.5. Cyber criminal - (available after 20 kills) a hacker that has the most unusual techniques/tools against you. He Is a criminal. He is stealthy as an Assassin (3.3). The distance between you and the target will be displayed instead of the target marker on the map.
    3.6. Cartel - (available after 25 kills) a target who works for an international drug cartel/ organized crime syndicate. Moves with at least heavy-armed 10 bodyguards. He is a criminal.
    3.7. Terrorist - (available after 30 kills) suicide bombers, criminals. Do not fight with them too close, because they can blow themselves up to kill you. They are stealthy as muliply by Assassins (3.3), so the distance between you and the target will be displayed instead of the target marker on the map. When the target is eliminated, they will start detonating one by one.
    3.8. Military - (available after 35 kills) a target working for the army. he moves with at least 12 bodyguards, not a criminal. Furthermore, targets with this type have access to heavy weapons like grenade launchers and Machineguns.

    4. Types of weapons training (5 available). Determines how accurately the target can shoot. Also, the training depends on the type of target.
    4.1. None - Has no experience with weapons. Terrible shooting accuracy.
    4.2. Self-defense training - Has some basic knowledge in self-defense with weapons. Low shooting accuracy.
    4.3. Military training - Military experience, or a big fan of a shooting range. Normal shooting accuracy.
    4.4. Veteran - Who has passed military training, and also participated in military conflicts. Good shooting accuracy.
    4.5. Elite - combat experience in special forces. Excellent shooting accuracy.

    5. Target's extra actions and gadgets (5 available). The target can not only start running away or engage in battle but also call for reinforcements or have other special tools against you. There will be a notification on the screen if the target starts calling backup or other things. This can be prevented if the target is stunned or killed. Available target's extra actions and gadgets:
    5.1. Police call - the wanted level will be increased after a successful call by 1 star (up to a maximum of 4). Not available to criminals.
    5.2. Backup call - call for backup. A new bodyguard squad will arrive on wheels. Available to all criminals.
    5.3. Cellphone hack - the player cellphone shocks (stuns) the player one time. Available to target types: Cyber criminal.
    5.4. Vehicle hack - disables the player's current vehicle. Available to target types: Cyber criminal.
    5.5. Remote explosive devices - the remote detonation of random vehicles nearby player. Available to target types: Terrorist.

    6. Target's reaction (4 available) - not exactly what you think. The reaction sets how quickly the target will start performing extra actions against you.
    6.1. Low - from 30 to 60 seconds.
    6.2. Medium - from 14 to 30 seconds.
    6.3. High - from 7 to 14 seconds.
    6.4. Very high - from 3 to 7 seconds.

    7. Bodyguards - depends on the type of target and the maximum size depends on the successfully completed kills. The minimum size of the bodyguard squad doesn't depend on your success and it is always 0.
    7.1. Normal - a legal security organization. They have standard weapons from pistols to assault rifles. They won't fight against the police.
    7.2. Gang Members - criminals who have mostly light weapons. Their Transport includes bicycles and old cars to fast classic cars.
    7.3. Assassin's bodyguards - criminals who have mostly hidden and compact weapons. They also have high-speed transport.
    7.4. Police bodyguards - from police officers to FBI agents. They are equipped with standard weapons from pistols to assault rifles. They use police transport.
    7.5. Cyber criminal bodyguards - criminals that use standard weapons from pistols to assault rifles. They also use the best high-speed transport.
    7.6. Cartel's army - very dangerous criminals, they use weapons from light to heavy such as machine guns. Their transport is very diverse: from standard civil cars to sports cars and armored vehicles.
    7.7. Terrorists - Very dangerous criminals, everyone has a suicide belt. When the target is eliminated, they will start detonating one by one.
    7.8. Army - a heavy-equipped military squad. They use standard military jeeps and trucks, sometimes: ATVs and motocross bikes.

    8. The Ghost Squad - is the most elite police unit, can appear on any mission. The more targets you have eliminated, the more likely Ghosts will appear. Their tactic is to wait at a distance from your target and only when shooting begins, they will start acting and you will see their markers on the map. Other than that, they use civilian transport (mostly vans), but they can also use police cars, even a police armored Brute. So, don't be surprised if you notice a fake ambulance packed with SWAT fighters in the back.

    9. Mission advisor- informs you with all the necessary information about the target: target's location, target type, gender, what vehicle the target use.

    10. Stealth - you can safely get close to the enemy in many cases. If the enemy notices you have a weapon in your hands, then the fight will begin.

    11. New sounds - From interaction with your cellphone to the voice of your mission advisor.

    12. Progress saving system. Progress is saved after the elimination of the target or after your death.

    13. Detailed history of your missions. The entire detailed history of your missions is saved in the file "MG Liquidator2021 History.db", where you can see such information as target type, the number of bodyguards, the status of the mission (completed, failed, canceled), and other things.

    14. INI file - is needed to change default settings like controls, difficulty parameters, and other stuff. Bonus: there is an option to disable the player's health regeneration.

    15. Increasing difficulty. Every successful operation increases the following attributes:
    15.1. Maximum bodyguard limit. Every two target kills increase the limit of maximum bodyguards by 1 (up to 25).
    15.2. Maximum reinforcement size. Every 15 target kills increase the size of backup by 3 vehicles (up to 18 vehicles).
    15.3. Chance to be ambushed by the Ghost squad. Every 3 target kills increase the chance by 1 percent(s) (up to 25 percent(s)), but only after the first 12 kills.
    15.4. Maximum Ghost squad size. Every 15 target kills increase the limit of squad size by 1 (up to 3).
    15.5. Unlocks new target types.
    15.6. Higher reward.

    16. An easter egg. I hope you can find out for yourself how to activate it. Moreover, I may make it a separate mod in the near future for Halloween.

    - (Destination Checker script) Added an alternate way to check if the player is in the position to start the mission. This check should fix the problem for some players who are unable to receive further instructions from the advisor.
    - (WMPLib) Added "Try Catch" to prevent crashes. WMPLib is too unstable for some computers, so if a custom sound file couldn't be played it will be skipped.
    - (Audio) Reduced the volume of all audio files by 6dB.
    - (INI file) Added an option to disable Advisor's voice.
    - (INI file) Added an option to disable the "Incoming message received" voice line.
    - (INI file) Added an option to disable missions outside the main city.
    - (INI file) Added an option to set the chance to get missions outside the main city.
    - (INI file) Added an option to set the suicide vest activation distance of suicide bombers.
    - (INI file) Added an option to set the detonation power of suicide vests.
    - (INI file) Added an option to set the detonation power of car bombs.
    - (INI file) Added an option to set the distance when the garbage collector must delete destroyed bodyguard vehicles that are far away from the player (after the target elimination).
    - (INI file) Added an option to set the distance when the garbage collector must delete empty bodyguard vehicles that are far away from the player (after the target elimination).
    - (INI file) Added an option to set the distance when the garbage collector must delete bodyguard vehicles with the occupants that are far away from the player (after the target elimination).
    - (INI file) Added an option to set the distance when the garbage collector must delete alive bodyguards that are far away from the player (after the target elimination).
    - (INI file) Added an option to set the distance when the garbage collector must delete dead bodyguards that are far away from the player (after the target elimination).

    - Added iFruit v2 support.
    - (iFruit) Added Customizable the advisor's contact name in the INI file.
    - (iFruit) Added an option to disable iFruit in INI file.
    - (Hotkey) Added an option to disable the hotkey to start/cancel mission in INI file.
    - (Target) Added an option to disable the Red cone over the target's head.
    - (Advisor) Added an option to change the mission advisor's name.
    - (Player progress) The number of total targets eliminated takes from "MG Liquidator2021 History.db" to avoid losing your progress when the INI file is replaced. If the DB file is missing, then the number will be taken from the INI file.

    - Initial Release

    Before creating my modification I was inspired by "Assassination Mod" for GTA IV by odiomoratti and TaazR.
    Dobro - Thank you for your generosity and support.
    MaxLuk - Thank you for the closed beta testing and bug reporting.
    jamesbaxter - Thank you for the closed beta testing and bug reporting.


    Support my work for future updates via Patreon:
    Show Full Description

    Првпат Додадено: Август 31, 2021
    Последно Ажурирање: Септември 5, 2021
    Последно Симнување: пред 36 минути

    All Versions

     v1.02 (current)

    19.860 симнато , 8,37 MB
    Септември 5, 2021


    716 симнато , 5,66 MB
    Септември 3, 2021


    615 симнато , 5,31 MB
    Август 31, 2021

    152 Коментари