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Westpac Rescue Helicopter Z-9/DAUPHIN

174f2c 1d
174f2c 1a
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174f2c 1c


ORIGINAL Model from - Canal Embraer GTA

Here's a skin of the Westpac Rescue Helicopter - featuring the new paint scheme (White front) of the AW139's set to come into service March 2017.

Also, if anyone can help - I'd love a Bell 412 so I can do a similar paint job for it as well.
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Првпат Додадено: Јануари 4, 2017
Последно Ажурирање: Јануари 4, 2017
Последно Симнување: пред 7 дена

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971 симнато , 4,51 MB
Јануари 4, 2017

1 Коментар