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Bmw M4 Politia Romana Add-on 2.0


Credit goes to johnny8937 for his original model:

EN: ** I highly recommend using a mods folder **

R0: ** Va recomand sa folositi mods folder **

R0: Instalati modelul original prima data iar dupa face Drag and drop fisierului meu unde ati instalat modelul original.

EN: Install the original model first and then drag and drop it to my file where you installed the original model.

RO: Pentru a instala textura adaugati fisierele din arhiva in: Grand Theft Auto V\mods\update\x64\dlcpacks\bmpos8\dlc.rpf\x64\vehicles.rpf\bmpos8.ytd

EN: Installing by opening OpenIV and adding files in: Grand Theft Auto V\mods\update\x64\dlcpacks\bmpos8\dlc.rpf\x64\vehicles.rpf\bmpos8.ytd

V2.0: New texture improvemrnt.
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Првпат Додадено: Јануари 23, 2020
Последно Ажурирање: Мај 25, 2020
Последно Симнување: пред 9 саати

All Versions

 2.0 (current)

1.363 симнато , 3,84 MB
Мај 25, 2020


189 симнато , 3,85 MB
Јануари 23, 2020

3 Коментари