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IV-Style Stumbling (Euphoria)


This makes pedestrians' euphoria activation more sensitive like in GTA4. Now, walking into peds will cause them to stumble, and they won't slide around as much when being pushed. Also, peds will stay upright longer instead of instantly collapsing to the ground.

-These changes don't seem to affect peds' reactions to being shot, due to the amount of annoying instant death triggers in this game

Run OpenIV, open update.rpf, and navigate to update/x64/data/tune.
Place physicstasks.ymt into 'tune.'
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Првпат Додадено: Јануари 26, 2016
Последно Ажурирање: Јануари 26, 2016
Последно Симнување: пред 3 дена

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1.714 симнато , 46 KB
Јануари 26, 2016

36 Коментари